SKU: Smok-TFV16-Mesh-Tank-Rainbow
Category: Tanks & Coils
Introducing the latest and greatest achievement from SMOK is their BIGGEST diameter, LARGEST juice capacity, mesh coil cloud-kicking TFV16 Sub-Ohm Tank, marking the Return of the King. Clocking in at 32mm diameter, the SMOK TFV16, is known as the 'Return of the King', creating huge densely flavored clouds of vapor with the meshed coil heads, 2mL juice capacity, and increased airflow capability. Raising the base of the atomizer, the TFV16 Sub-Ohm tank possesses a dual slotted airflow control ring, improving the airflow section to increase the airflow chamber and the size of the inlets to 14mm by 2.6mm. This guides airflow past the internal coil structure to create the bountiful clouds that the TFV Tank Series is famously known for. Coils are installed in a plug 'n' play fashion, keeping coil changes, quick, succinct, and mess-free. A locking top fill system prevents children or adolescents from using the tank, while keeping the rotating top fill system to remain clean of leaky eJuice. Holding up to 2mL of today's most popular eJuice, the TFV16 is the largest capacity and diameter sub-ohm tank, created by SMOK, truly and royally heralding the Return of the King.
SMOK TFV16 Mesh Sub-Ohm Tank Features:
28mm Diameter
32mm At Widest Point
2mL Glass Capacity
Pyrex Glass Reinforcement
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
Rotating Top Fill System - Child-Safe Locking Mechanism
High-Temperature Resistant - Explosion Proof
SMOK TFV16 Coil Series
0.17ohm TFV16 Single Mesh Coil - rated for 120W
0.12ohm TFV16 Dual Mesh Coil - rated for 120W
0.15ohm TFV16 Triple Mesh Coil - rated for 90W
0.2ohm TFV16 Conical Mesh Coil - rated for 60-85W
Threaded Base Connection
Improved Airflow Chamber
Dual Slotted Bottom Airflow Control Ring - 14mm by 2.6mm
Gold-Plated 510 Connection
Available in Black Plating, Red, Blue, Gold, Stainless Steel, 7-Color
1 SMOK TFV16 Sub-Ohm Tank
1 0.17ohm TFV16 Single Mesh Coil - rated for 120W
1 0.12ohm TFV16 Dual Mesh Coil - rated for 120W
1 Protective Glass Bulb Sleeve
1 Replacement Glass
1 User Manual
1 Spare Parts
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