Category: Tanks & Coils
This coil is for the flavour chaser in each one of us. The Aspire Nautilus X coil packs incredible airflow performance that brings an unrivalled flavour with every vape. The secret to the Nautilus' incredible flavour is the U-tech technology, which pulls the vapour through a U-shaped chamber and draws it over the kanthal coil twice before being inhaled. This ensures the flavours of the e-liquid are fully unlocked by a slow and steady application of heat, creating a taste that's simply hard to beat.
The Nautilus coil packs years of development and design refinements into a very tiny package, substantially improving performance over the standard BDC and BVC coils. Optimized airflow, wicking, heat distribution, and versatility in airflow adjustment simply start out the laundry list of reasons why this coil is so superior to so much of what's on the market today.
Not a disposable coil, the Nautilus X is easy to remove and clean, even without emptying the tank, dramatically increasing the life of the coil. Simply unscrew the top of the tank, remove the old coil, and clean, or replace. Cleaning involves rinsing the coil with ethanol or water, drying it thoroughly, and then inserting it into the base of the tank and dry burning until a small fizzling sound can be heard. Whether cleaning or replacing, be sure to season the coil with a few drops of your favourite e-liquid, reassemble your atomizer, and give the capillary action in the cotton a few minutes to distribute the juice then start vaping away.
If you want a top shelf coil that will unlock the subtle nuances of your favourite e-liquid, look no further than the Nautilus from Aspire. Flavour-chasers beware, you may never buy anything else ever again!
Aspire Nautilus X Coil Key Features
Fits the Aspire Nautilus X
Rated at 1.5 Ω (14-20 watts) | 1.8Ω (12-16 watts).
U-tech technology provides incredible airflow performance
Optimized for versatility in airflow without changing e-liquid flow or flavour
Optimized wicking and heat distribution
5 x Aspire Nautilus X Coils
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